Our performance in October 2024 is 0.2% (YTD: 8.1%). Since the start in May 2019, our performance is 97.3% vs. 90.6% for the MSCI World. The fund value per unit as of October 2024 is EUR 197.30.
The performance chart and the return-tables have been updated. We are confident that we will win more in good times and lose less in bad times.
Geographic location of assets
AlphaTower primarily invest in equity and equity related securities of international companies. AlphaTower only invests on regulated markets in Europe, North America, Asia and other countries that have no restrictions on the free movement of capital. In order to keep trading costs low, we exclude countries with generic stamp duties: UK, Ireland, Hong Kong.
Sectorial distribution of assets
AlphaTower invests in all sectors excluding financials, real estate and utilities
November 2024
If you want to learn about our November 2024 results, please leave your e-mail address below and we will let you know.