Our performance in December 2022 is -4.9% (YTD: 5.5%). Since the start in May 2019, our performance is 65.6% vs. 33.5% for the MSCI World. The fund value per unit as of December 2022 is EUR 165.62.
November 2022: Fund Performance (2.3%)
Our performance in Novermber 2022 is 2.3% (YTD: 10.9%). Since the start in May 2019, our performance is 74.2% vs. 44.6% for the MSCI World. The fund value per unit as of Novermber 2022 is EUR 174.19.
October 2022: Fund Performance (5.8%)
Our performance in October 2022 is 5.8% (YTD: 8.4%). Since the start in May 2019, our performance is 70.3% vs. 40.8% for the MSCI World. The fund value per unit as of October 2022 is EUR 170.28.
September 2022: Fund Performance (-7.5%)
Our performance in September 2022 is -7.5% (YTD: 2.5%). Since the start in May 2019, our performance is 61.0% vs. 32.5% for the MSCI World. The fund value per unit as of September 2022 is EUR 161.02.
August 2022: Fund Performance (0.4%)
Our performance in August 2022 is 0.4% (YTD: 10.8%). Since the start in May 2019, our performance is 74.0% vs. 42.4% for the MSCI World. The fund value per unit as of August 2022 is EUR 173.98.