Our performance in May 2023 is -3.3% (YTD: -5.2%). Since the start in May 2019, our performance is 57.0% vs. 45.1% for the MSCI World. The fund value per unit as of May 2023 is EUR 157.01.
April 2023: Fund Performance (-0.6%)
Our performance in April 2023 is -0.6% (YTD: -1.9%). Since the start in May 2019, our performance is 62.4% vs. 41.5% for the MSCI World. The fund value per unit as of April 2023 is EUR 162.43.
March 2023: Fund Performance (0.2%)
Our performance in March 2023 is 0.2% (YTD: -1.3%). Since the start in May 2019, our performance is 63.4% vs. 41.3% for the MSCI World. The fund value per unit as of March 2023 is EUR 163.43.
February 2023: Fund Performance (-2.7%)
Our performance in February 2023 is -2.7% (YTD: -1.5%). Since the start in May 2019, our performance is 63.1% vs. 40.4% for the MSCI World. The fund value per unit as of February 2023 is EUR 163.07.
January 2023: Fund Performance (1.2%)
Our performance in January 2023 is 1.2% (YTD: 1.2%). Since the start in May 2019, our performance is 67.7% vs. 40.5% for the MSCI World. The fund value per unit as of January 2023 is EUR 167.67.