February 2021: Fund Performance (1.1%)

Our performance in February 2021 is 1.1%. Since the start in May 2019, our performance is 26.8% vs. 19.3% for the MSCI World. The YTD performance is 3.7% vs 2.4% for the MSCI World. We are confident that we will win more in good times and lose less in bad times.

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January 2021: Fund Performance (2.5%)

Our performance in January 2021 is 2.5%. Since the start in May 2019, our performance is 25.4% vs. 16.2% for the MSCI World. The YTD performance is 2.5% vs -0.3% for the MSCI World. We are confident that we will win more in good times and lose less in bad times.

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December 2020: Fund Performance (+7.4%)

All of us at AlphaTower would like to wish you a happy and prosperous New Year. Today, we are excited to inform you that AlphaTower has achieved a 7.4% return in December 2020, bringing the return since the start of AlphaTower (30 April 2019) to 22.3% and the 2020 full-year return to 3.6%.

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November 2020: Fund Performance (5.0%)

Our performance in November 2020 is 5.0%. Since the start in May 2019, our performance is 13.9% vs. 14.4% for the MSCI World. The YTD performance is -3.5% vs 4.3% for the MSCI World. We are confident that we will win more in good times and lose less in bad times.

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